'A Smòrfia Napulitàn
The meening of the single number in Naples Bingo game. It' written in italian Naples dialet and in English, of course!
1: l'Itàlia - Italy;
2: 'a piccerell - the little girl;
3: 'a gatt - the Cat;
4: 'o puorc - the Pig;
5: 'a man - the Hand
6: qell ca guard 'nterr - the Cunt;
7: 'o vas - the Pot;
8: 'a Marònn - our Lady;
9: 'a figlàt - the Offspring;
10: 'e fasùl - the Beans;
11: 'e surìc - the Mice;
12: 'e surdàt - the Soldiers;
13: Sant'Antuon - St Antonio;
14: 'o mbriàc - the Drunken man;
15: 'o guagliòn - the Boy;
16: 'o cul - the Bottom;
17: 'a disgràzj - the Bud Luck;
18: 'o sàngh - Blood;
19: 'a rsàt - the Laughter;
20: 'a fèst - the Party;
21: 'a femmn 'annùr - the naked Woman;
22: 'o pazz - the Mad;
23: 'o scem - the Fool;
24: 'e gguàrdj - the Cops;
25: Natàl - Cristhmas;
26: Nanninèll - little Annie;
27: 'o cànter - the Jerry;
28: 'e zzizz - the Tits;
29: 'o pat dè creatùr - the Cock;
30: 'e ppall d'ò tenènt - the Lieutenants Balls;
31: 'o padròn 'e cas - the Landlord;
32: 'o capitòn - the Big-Headed eel;
33: 'llann 'e Crist - Christ's Age;
34: 'a cap - the Head;
35: ll'aucellùzz - the Bird;
36: 'a castagnèll - the Castanets;
37: 'o mònac - the Monk;
38: 'a mazz - the Blows;
39: 'a funa 'ngànn - to be on one's Beam-Ends;
40: 'a papòscj - the Rupture;
41: 'o curtièll - the Knife;
42: 'o ccafè - Coffee
43: dònna pèrt 'o bbarcòn - "Donna Pereta" outside balcony;
44: 'e ccangèll - the Jail;
45: 'o vin bbuòn - the Good Wine;
46: 'e denàr - the Money;
47: 'o muòrt - the Dead;
48: 'o muòrt ch pparl - the talking Dead;
49: 'o pièzz 'e carn - the Flesh;
50: 'o ppan - the Bread;
51: 'o ciardìn - the Courtyard;
52: 'a mamm - the Mother;
53: 'o viecchij - the old Man;
54: 'o cappièll - the Hat;
55: 'a mùsic - Music;
56: 'a carùt - the Fall;
57: 'o scartièll - the Hunchback;
58: 'o pacchòtt - the Bundle;
59: 'e pil - the Hair;
60: se lamènt - the Plaintive;
61: 'o cacciatòr - the Hunter;
62: 'o muort accìs - the Murdered;
63: 'a spos - the Bride;
64: 'a sciàmmèrij - the Dress-Coat;
65: 'o chiànt - the Weeping;
66: 'e ddòij zitèll - the two Spinters;
67: 'o tòtn 'dint 'a chitàrr - the Squid in the Guitar;
68: 'a zuppa cott - the Soup;
69: sott'e 'ngopp - upside-down;
70: 'o palàzz - the Building;
71: 'llomm 'e mmèrd - the Shitty Man;
72: 'a meraviglij - the astonishment;
73: 'o scpitàl - the Hospital;
74: 'a rott - the Cave;
75: Pulcnèll - Punchinello;
76: 'a funtan - the Fountain;
77: 'e riàvl - the Devils;
78: 'a bbella figliòl - the Bitch;
79: 'o mariuòl - the Thief;
80: 'a vocc - the Mouth;
81: 'e sciur - the Flowers;
82: 'a tàvl apparicchiàt - the Layed Table;
83: 'o mal tièmp - the Bad Weather;
84: 'a Chiès - the Church;
85: 'llanm dò purgatòrj - the Souls of Purgatory;
86: 'a putèc - the Store;
87: 'e prùcchij - the Lice;
88: 'e casecavàlle - the Cheese.Loaves;
89: 'a vècchij - the Old Lady;
90: 'a paur - the Fear.
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